We are taking applications for 2025 placements.
Student information

Work experience at Minster Veterinary Centre
Here at Minster Veterinary Centre we offer students, over the age of 16, the experience at working in our Southwell veterinary practice. There is a very high demand for work experience placements and we advise students to book placements well in advance.
There are strict Health and Safety guidelines and the veterinary practice is seen as a high-risk environment. Animals can become frightened in the practice and act completely different to normal. We also work with urine, blood, faeces, medications, x-rays, anaesthetics and many other high-risk factors.
It is because of all of the above that we have a strict protocol to follow for anyone wanting work experience here at our practice – for example, we only take on students over 16 years of age.
Applications can be made to Emma (work experience co-ordinator) via the contact form below. Please state all your general information about yourself and why you would like to undertake work experience. Also, give us a few different week dates as we do get booked up well in advance.
Our work experience runs on a week placement basis working from a Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm. This is all based at the Southwell practice and involves only small animal work. We do not run work experience for farm or equine work. You will be given a lunch break of an hour and there is a staff room provided for you to take your lunch break in. We do ask that you stay on the premises at all times.
General description of role undertaken by students on placement
- Observing the vets in the operation theatre
- Observing the vets in consultations
- Observing nursing staff performing procedures and laboratory tests
- Assisting nurses with the cleaning of floors, surfaces and kennels
- Assisting nurses cleaning surgical equipment
- Assisting nurses with the care of hospitalised in-patients
- Animal handling
We hope that this has helped and look forward to hearing from you.
Vet students - EMS
Here at Minster Veterinary Centre Southwell we welcome hardworking vet students to see practice with us. We have a high demand for EMS placements so it is important to book well in advance.
Our EMS is run on a block week basis from a Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. This is all based at the Southwell practice and involves a mixture of small and large animal work. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee what percentage you will get of each. There is a staff room for tea and coffee and lunch if you would like to use it.
Applications can be made to Emma (vet student co-ordinator) via the contact form. Please give general information about yourself, which vet school you are in, the year you are in at vet school, your email address and contact details and Emma will email you back. Please also give her a few weeks to look at as we get booked up well in advance.
Student veterinary nurse placements
Here at Minster Veterinary Centre Southwell we are an RCVS training practice for student veterinary nurses. If you are over the age of 16 and looking to apply for a training practice, please can you do this in writing and not via this page.
We are currently fully booked for student veterinary nurses for 2020 but please write in as sometimes situations can change. We are currently taking applications for 2021. Please address your letter to The Head Nurse, Minster Veterinary Centre, Orchard Lodge, Newark Road, Southwell, NG25 0ES.